Hoard of Tales

EU based TTRPG stream channel

Diverse and representative TTRPG content from and for the community within European time zones.

© Hoard of Tales. All rights reserved.

HH Screenshot Screenshot from a TTRPG AP. Title: THE EU HAPPY HOUR. Overlay styled as a chalkboard, space for captions. 5 participants with character names, social media tags and pronouns.
WiG Poster with photos of participants in a Women in Gaming Month event. Text: Thanking all our Women & Femme Participants. Women in Gaming 2023. Twitch.tv/hoardoftales
3 Kobolds Screenshot from a charity TTRPG AP. Title: Three Kobolds in a Trench Coat. Overlay is purple, space for captions. 4 participants with names and pronouns. Panels for donation incentives and total raised.


Creating and sharing stories is what we love about table top role-playing games.We play and discuss all types of TTRPGs, from mainstream games like Dungeons & Dragons to indie games from solo creators and small publishers. From long-term campaigns to one shots. From one-on-one interviews to panels.While showcasing a diversity of games and stories, HoT works to ensure that tables have representative & inclusive casts.

Our Stream Schedule


Hoard of Tales was created to focus on TTRPG content & community within Europe, with a focus on different games and diverse participants, like women, LGBTQ+ and gender-nonconforming folx, POC and immigrants, and folx who are neurodivergent and/or disabled.Our organizers also represent the diversity of our European community!

HoT Orga Image with pink and blue swirled background. Text: The Team Behind HoT. Photos of Aida (she/her, NL and US flag), Caro (she/they, DE flag), Chrifu (he/him, DE flag and US flag), Pan (he/they/she, UK flag), Markus (he/him, NL and DE flag), JC Darcy


You can reach out through our various social media platforms or you can fill out the form below. Please refrain from sending solicitations for paid services (like art).

The data filled in this form will be collected for communication purposes. This data will only be retained as long as is necessary for unless you agree for it to be maintained indefinitely.To request what data is currently stored about you or request the removal of your data, please send an email to [email protected].

Thank you

Thanks for contacting us! We'll respond as soon as we can.

Website Credits

Angaben gem. § 5 des TMG:
Carolyn Kunze
Mendelejewweg 7
17491 Greifswald
Deutschland / Germany
E-Mail: [email protected]

Thank you for your interest. At the moment, there are no open casting calls. Join our Discord to see open casting calls from our community members.

We are currently looking for participants in our upcoming Vaesen game.